There are several excellent firmware options available for ratgdo. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
For a comparison of available features for the different firmware options, please refer to the feature matrix.
The best option for Home Assistant is the ESPHome ratgdo firmware: [ESPHome installer].
Home Assistant can be used to create HomeKit, Google and Alexa integrations, as well as many others.
Chowmain Software provides several home automation integration drivers for ratgdo. All integration drivers provided by Chowmain Software require the ESPHome ratgdo firmware, as well as the integration driver itself.
ESPHome to Control4 integration driver by Chowmain Software. [driver link]
ESPHome to Nice (formerly Elan Home Management) integration driver by Chowmain Software. [driver link]
ESPHome to Crestron integration driver by Chowmain Software. [driver link]
For those who want a pure Apple HomeKit solution, install the [HomeKit for ratgdo] firmware.
Note that the HomeKit firmware is currently limited to Security + 2.0 openers with a yellow learn button.
If you already have an MQTT broker and like messaging APIs, then install the MQTT firmware:
If you can't connect to your ratgdo board make sure you are using a USB data cable and that you have the right driver installed for the type of board you have.
In order to do an OTA update, you have to download the .bin file to your computer and then upload it to the ratgdo web server.
The firmware bin files are located under releases.